Protective W22/23
The Protective CrossCountry collection was born in Winter 22/23 out of a desire to bridge the gap between fashion and outdoor performance. Conventional outdoor gear often sacrifices style for practicality, leaving outdoor enthusiasts with limited options that don’t reflect their personal sense of fashion.
Protective recognized this gap in the market and I was tasked with developing a collection that seamlessly combined both aspects. The main feature of this CrossCountry collection is the fusion of advanced materials and modern design. State-of-the-art fabrics designed for the rigors of CrossCountry touring are transformed into elegant and sophisticated garments. The collection offers a range of durable, water-repellent and breathable fabrics that ensure comfort and protection in any climate.
Regrading the collection theme we chose to create a collection that is all about their heritage and history. Combining nostalgic flair with futuristic thinking, the result is a unique, highly functional collection, that is both wild, radical, and unconventional.
They combine classic MX style elements from high speed dirt racing with the lifestyle and attitude of BMX street art of the 80s. And thus makes a statement for more individuality.